Give us a smile!

Last night, Cath texted me to go outside and look at the moon and stars.. So, I went out but I couldn't see clearly because of the clouds. Then my sister told me that my uncle took some pictures using my G9.. And sorry for the not so good looking picture.. It was taken using a digicam after all~

This one looks like Onion Head.. haha


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And oh, we finished our exams yesterday.. Cath, Hanie & I went out for lunch and talk, talk, talk and talk.. Hehe I haven't got pictures with me. They're all with Hanie as we took it using her Nokia. Unfortunately, Hanie's laptop crashed sometime last week.. So, she wouldn't be able to upload the pictures.

A belated post about my favourite shot last week was the one I took just outside of my house..

A gloomy day.. sigh

And this is just for fun.. Hehe

Mirul's tee.. Cute kan?!

Good day!


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