Bon... James Bon...

Hello everyone 大家好...

This post is solely dedicated to the one and only Bon... Who is he 他是谁呢?

1. My B.Sc. Biological Science junior
2. My faithful all-time listener
3. My sweet adopted little brother
4. My companion in the field
5. Most importantly, Zyana's Love... *teeheehee*

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and may success be with you always. Your present I hutang first k... Sorry Bon~

13th October 2008

Happy 22nd Birthday to Bon Wuu Yih!


Ahahahaha... so nice to have little brother to play with :D *hehehe*

Play is play~ But Bon is very hardworking one you know~

Bon's favorite line: "I'm hungryyyyy... 我好饿哦。。。"

Ok, this part has nothing to do with Bon la... *hehehe* It just coincidentally happened on the 13th October as well ma... Went to the field in the morning to check on the traps... On my way out from my simpang, I found this...

Ditched car in ditch...

We must carry out our tasks according to principles, not let our principles be compromised by our tasks...


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