My first steps...into the blogger world...

Sorry for the corny title *apologetic* Seriously I don't know what to write about...haha...erm...*nervous* but if I don't Meha is gonna kill me *shivers*

I'm currently in Seria right now because of 'makan2' for my paternal Grandma's 100 days...its been 100 days since she left us...I feel different coming back here to this house with no one to hug and chat with in my ancestral dialect...Popo (婆婆), if only you know how much I miss you (好想您)...May you rest in peace *heartache* Why do people whom we love have to leave us...?

Guess what? I was complimented by one of my cousin about the improvement in my Mandarin vocabulary.. *giddy* Must have been influenced by all the Taiwan drama series I've watched recently...I wanna go TAIWAN!! But I'm too FAT for Taiwan!! Have to really slim down before going to Taiwan...hahaha... And I must improve my really improve...I just realize how rotten (超烂) my Mandarin is...or else it might be hard to communicate in Taiwan...

It's been like two weeks since the exams finish...and it felt like it was just yesterday!! I've not done anything that I've planned during the exam!! During the exams which I was supposed to be studying but kept planning what to do with the long holiday...but then when the holiday is right here right mind goes blank!! Feel so idiotic (白痴) I was planning to start a crochet project...went to look for all the materials...guess what? Couldn't find any!! Please Please Please if anyone had any info on where to get 2.5mm crochet hook (the largest I could find was 1.5mm) and DMC Senso balls in Brunei...I desperately need these materials...(No, I'm not pregnant! I might be knitting but not pregnant! I look pregnant but not pregnant! hahahaha)

End of May...start of goals...

Goodnight everyone (大家晚安)...sleep tight...

P.S: I welcome any comments and I sincerely apologize for any offense or mistakes...

我要一个精彩的明天 (A colourful tomorrow...)


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