Public terror


I just got back from jalan2.. My mom dragged me to the indoor stadium.. Today's the final day for the Asean's Products. Yatah she brought me there. Thank god Nonong tagged along because I can't stand shopping for these kains, tudungs and stuff. Especially during these H1N1 commotions. So all I did was looking around.. and avoiding people who seems to be in an unhygienic conditions. You'd never believe what I saw..
Justify Full
There was this old man.. I noticed him because he was sniffling.. So he wiped his nose with his hands.... and then onto his pants.. Eww right?

Then there was this Indonesian guy.. apa kan tu namanya? Salesman? Heh :p Anyway, he was on the phone and it just happened that I was looking at his direction.. You know what he did? He was PICKING HIS NOSE!!! He could've touched all the kains and tudungs there!! I quickly told my sister and mom about it and took them away from him a.s.a.p.

Seriously.. Don't they read/watch the news??? Personal hygiene is important!! Especially at times like this.. But it's still icky.. In the public durang buat cematu.. *shivers*

And then, there were this young couple.. with their little children. They just let their daughter sit and squirm on the floor, which only God knows what was on it.. She could've touched her face, mouth, her little sister.. her parents.. *shrieks*

I am seriously freaking out. I am not going out again. Ever. :p


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