Hello everyone 大家好...
Just when you think I'm going to disappear from this blog again, you guessed wrong! kekeke~ The event of this post actually took place on 18th May 2009 at our famous World Heritage Park, Tasek Merimbun. For more information on this event, click
here and
Tasek Merimbun is located in the Tutong District and is famous for this big-ass dragonfly hanging from the ceiling!! kekekekekeke...

Okay seriously~ it's actually famous for this unique black water lake and of course the breath-taking view~ I'm sooo proud to be a Bruneian! :D

We weren't actually there for the real event though, we were actually there to set up photo exhibits and promoting BIOCOP. BIOCOP stands for Biodiversity Conservation Program which is under Brunei Nature Society (BNS). The photo exhibit consists of an amazing collection from numerous activities carried out by BIOCOP throughout the years. Activities include small mammal trappings, camera trappings, bird watching etc. led by Dr. Joseph Charles and Miss Ang Bee Biaw. And this was how the exhibit looked like :D

And apparently, this beautiful moth also decided to exhibit itself on the board!

While waiting for the guests to arrive for the exhibition, boredom sets in and this is what usually happens~ kekeke...
1. Making funny faces at the camera~

2. Playing with a moth on the floor~
3. And just flash pretty smiles!

And when people starts coming to look at the exhibits, there were no more time for funny faces and playing with moths. People asked about the pictures and the activities and we were there to answer of course :)

Rosli explaining what BIOCOP is all about~

Lin Ji doing the same~

Here, we have Mr. Samhan and the Singapore High Commissioner to Brunei, Mr. Joseph Koh, looking at our photo exhibit.

Here, Rosli bidding farewell to Mrs. Koh and other guests from Singapore who were very interested in our exhibit.

And lastly, before leaving, we took a group photo! We look good in our BIOCOP uniform right? hehehehe :D

I dedicate this picture to none other than my beloved Dr. Joseph Charles! "That's a yellow-vented bulbul!" When we arrived for the event in the morning, we were asked to park the car in this empty paking lot. And we came across this! The driver is either very late or the bird is still sleepy~

Goodnight peeps~ sweet dreams :D
The more we give, the more we accomplish...