
Sakit jiwa ku eh.. I just bought a new phone and it can't connect to internet + mms. Kusut amat sih! I've tried to change the settings for 2 days now and tadi I brought it to DeeJay.. Still cannot connect~ So, brought it to the kedai where I purchased it. The salesperson cakap macam2 lah. Pasal they don't do internet settings for Sony Ericsson and something about the unavailability of software. !@#$%^&*()_+

I was frustrated pasal aku suka the phone already. The salesperson told me to pick other phones instead..preferably Nokia. *grrr* Sekali I asked the salesperson for a few days to decide on which phone to pick. She gave me until Friday saja. Nyeh :p

Balik rumah tadi aku kusut lah milih Nokia apa.. I even asked my sister to pick one for me. I cannot decide on one thing quickly bah.. I need help and guidance~ Hahaha :P Anyways, while I was at it.. I was also surfing about problems on using SE phones. I didn't exactly found an answer.. Tapi I was fiddling with the phone kan.. and I tried connecting to the internet.... MAU!!

Hahahaha I was ecstatic~ There's no need to switch to Nokia lagi.. Hahahaha SE fever~ :D And the thing is... I only changed ONE simple part of the settings. Crazy settings.. Even the salespersons inda tau.. Handal aku tu ah~ Hahahahaha

Bah, enough about that. My sister gave me a link of a youtubed video. Enjoy~


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