This semester we have this Entomology course and we're supposed to collect insects to make our own insect collection (200 insects!!).
And this morning, while I was getting ready for Uni, I was thinking about the "how, when and where" to collect them..
When something black and big was moving on the floor.
And this morning, while I was getting ready for Uni, I was thinking about the "how, when and where" to collect them..
When something black and big was moving on the floor.
See this?
I was so freaked out that I ran to get Ridsect and sprayed on it. Multiple times!! Because it kept wriggling in a freakish way.. The front legs look so much like hands that I kept on spraying the ridsect til it stopped moving.
It was just after I threw it away that I realised that I should've COLLECT it instead of showering it with Ridsect.
Then, at Uni, we had our Entomology lecture.. Ada that insect in the book! The legs of that particular insect's modified for digging.. Dr. Marshall told us that it's most common here..
It wasn't such a big deal to lose it..
I think.. :p
It was just after I threw it away that I realised that I should've COLLECT it instead of showering it with Ridsect.
Then, at Uni, we had our Entomology lecture.. Ada that insect in the book! The legs of that particular insect's modified for digging.. Dr. Marshall told us that it's most common here..
It wasn't such a big deal to lose it..
I think.. :p
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