Visiting Tutong Home Garden

Sorry for the lack of updates.. I'm a bit swamped with uni-life here :(

Netherless!!! we went for a field trip to Tutong last saturday morning with the whole Tropical ecology class. Wuhhooo!! It was surprisingly fun, i had a good time interacting & mingling with the locals who own the kebun there, They were all very bubbly :D

So we visited the home garden in Kg. Kiudang which was roughly around 70 hectares. But of cos lah~ we didnt exactly walked through the entire area.... it's freaking huge like what? This so called kebun is own & maintain mainly by the Dusun people who live near there.

They grow a lot of local fruits! Naming few of them: durian puluh i.e. kuning (I super love durian!!!), petai, kembayau (Canarium odontophyllum), bilimbi i.e. starfruit, mata kucing (Dimorcarpus longan) & many more!!

Most of the fruits that you find in pasar, tamu or supermarkets are mainly bought from this home garden. They sell really, really, really cheap one!!! For instance, you can buy 3 biji buah tarap for only BND 2!!!! so murah right??

Buah tarap

But unfortunately, we werent able to take any of the local fruits back home, becos its not musim buah yet :(

Anyhoos, here's are the pics to share with everyone!

In the bus on the way to Tutong..L-R: Hanie, Meha, Cath

Two 'lalat' boys: Jeff & Metis

Bon: he's either sleepy, tired, hungry or angan-angan about Zyana =p

Erine Bennet

Please meet Metis Austen himself! LOL =p

Inside the Dusun home garden

the "petai' boys

A huge tortoise shell hang in the ceiling is used for emergency call by hitting it using a hard wooden stick just in case if something happen to their kebun.. There's no phone signal bah~

Mr Bon 'Tumnus'

Group photos with the local farmers..

After the tour around the garden ended, we headed back to the main hut, rested & had our lunch while waiting for the bus..

Bon & his pulut panggang, he actually made it look like peeling banana!!

Met & Syidah, eat~ eat~ eat~


L-R: Prof. Savitri, Bon, Syidah & Cath

Rawi & Aywen

My classmates

Different assortments of kuih were prepared for us by the all Aunties & Uncles there, xiexie!!! :D

I wonder what were Jeff & Met talking about because syidah seemed to be very disturbed by it.. can see she's frowning bah~

L-R: Syidah, Cath, Hanie, Meha

Andry reading his book

The boys

Aywen sampat lagi posing d keta org~!

All the pak cik - pak cik~

After about 2 hour, the bus arrived & drove us to one of Aunty's house. She makes handicraft products with prices range from BND 2-30 only!!

Met the fisherman, sais kan?

Raihan with one of the Aunties

Hanie & Metis

The girls had been whining wanted to pee, becos cannot tahan anymore~! They were waiting like for almost 3 freaking hours before we finally reached the nearby mosque there..


Cath & Syidah

Oh by the way, i caught some of the boys like to do some sort of Angelina Jolie's lip pout pose. Here's the top four:

4. Andry

3. Metis

2. Bon

And finally the winner is....our very own Nemo!!! LOL =D

Well that's it for now~

Btw happy advance fasting everyone~

I'm pretty sure 1st day of ramadhan will be on this coming Monday, i cant wait~!!



Notice for BI4224

[Note: Fwded by Andery in FS]

Specially for those taking BI 4224…

As have been inform that there will be a field trip to a home garden on Saturday, 23rd August, 2008. The place will be at Kg. Mungkom area, Mukim Kiudang.
In regard to this matter please be informed of the following:

1. Instead of 6 groups as grouped in the class, the groups have to merge to form ONLY 3 groups (FOR the purpose of this visit only). Each of the 3 groups will be directed to 3 different areas so please make sure each member from the former 6 groups will has their member in all the new 3 groups.

2. The bus will leave from UBD at 8am sharp as we are expected to arrive there by 9am.

3. The duration of the study will be about 5-6 hours, which means we are only to leave about 3pm. So please bring enough supply of your own food(lunch). Enough water supply is essential!

4. Protections against insects can also be brought/used.

5. Depending on the weather condition, you might need to bring along your cap/hat to avoid heat stress!

6. The place is very rich in fauna, so you might as well need to bring plastic bags (not supply) for sample collections for later identification.

7. The road leading to the place is narrow so it is advisable to use less vehicles (provided buses).
Lastly do enjoy the trip yea and enjoy the nature..hehe

PS: Forward this post until 22nd August 2008. You might as well inform the others. Thanks.

Morning Monster

This semester we have this Entomology course and we're supposed to collect insects to make our own insect collection (200 insects!!).

And this morning, while I was getting ready for Uni, I was thinking about the "how, when and where" to collect them..

When something black and big was moving on the floor.

See this?

I was so freaked out that I ran to get Ridsect and sprayed on it. Multiple times!! Because it kept wriggling in a freakish way.. The front legs look so much like hands that I kept on spraying the ridsect til it stopped moving.

It was just after I threw it away that I realised that I should've COLLECT it instead of showering it with Ridsect.

Then, at Uni, we had our Entomology lecture.. Ada that insect in the book! The legs of that particular insect's modified for digging.. Dr. Marshall told us that it's most common here..


It wasn't such a big deal to lose it..

I think.. :p

Memanat using Meha's Canon G9 Camera for the first time..

Yup, Meha's mum just bought a Canon Powershot G9 just for Meha becos she's been crazily wanting to have it since last semester...

how i wish i can get one for myself but its too expensive bah. It cost like BND 1000++ I am so in green with envy~ hmmmph! =p

So she brought her newly bought camera during our first tropical forest ecology practical class's. I was so sakai & i had it with me the whole day taking pictures of my frens...

During tropical ecology forest practical class's in early morning. Everyone was busy answering the practical questions.

My things...

Meha concentrate brabis buat kaja nya...

so did Samia & Zur....

Aywen pun jua... he so sat far away, isolated from us...

Metis also... but not until he saw the cookies that Syidah baked & brought for us..

see how vain he looks when he posed for the cookie~

Syidah punya oatmeal + chocolate chip cookies taste really sedap one & this boy was like a cookie monster becos he habis kan almost all the cookies bah in the bottle!

See how funny their facial expressions right after eating the cookies.. Syidah must have poured a lot of sugar in it becos they look pretty much 'high' to me =p

Any idea what was Bon doing?

L to R: Bon, Cath, Metis

L to R: Syidah, Hanie, Meha

Practical class finished about 3 hours later & everyone went out hurriedly...

L to R: Cath, Syidah, Chu Tou a.k.a Metis

I even ambil gambar one of the cleaners in UBD when he was mopping the floor & this Pak cik must be thinking i was crazy for taking his picture! hahaha

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