Hello everyone 大家好…
Once again, please forgive me for my disappearance 请愿谅我好吗?I’ve been so busy and will still be busy and will not stop being busy for a long time *hehehe…* 真的,真的,真的好忙. I’m starting my 4th year project and my long vacation had just ended *sniff*. I’m doing a project on small mammals 小动物and will be spending most of my time, morning until dusk, in the forest.
Basically my work is setting traps along a transect line in the forest, baiting the traps with bananas 香蕉, checking for any trapped animals every morning and re-baiting the traps every afternoon. Trapped animals are identified, sexed, weigh, marked and released. It is pretty hectic getting dirty, sweaty, scratches, cuts, bites, bruises (especially on the ass) from slipping etc. The most difficult part will have to be holding in your urine while working in the forest 要小便真的很困难! Despite all the above negative side of things, here is a list of the positive points that greatly counter the negatives.
1. Having Dr. Joseph K. Charles as my project supervisor. It is because of him that I’ve gained countless experiences in the field. I’ve learned so much from him not only in theories but as well as in terms of practical 真的学习很多东西. I sincerely thank him for all the great opportunities he had given me 谢谢您.
2. Having Miss Ang Bee Biaw as my project advisor. She is like our ‘big sis’ 我们的大姐 constantly checking on us, giving us advices, planning our schedules in great details, basically being there for us all the time, whenever and wherever. I can never thank her enough. Love you, BB!
3. Learning about the different species of small mammals. Yea yea I know, you can easily read up in a book somewhere or watch TV to get this kind of information. But being with these forest-dwelling animals in such close proximity while carefully observing them with your very own eyes is a totally different experience 跟森林里的动物在一起的感觉真的很奇妙. Believe it!
4. Every day is a new and exciting day full of the essence of surprise 每一天都是精彩的. Every time I walk through the forest along the transect line checking traps, a million questions run through my head. What species are caught today? Recaptured animals? New animals? New species? Is there something moving in that trap over there? What is it? Did it hurt itself? Is it still alive? What is that sound? Blah…blah…blah…
5. Better stamina and health. This project involves a lot of physical work and it’s a fantastic way to increase stamina for a better health 可以练出一个健康的身体. Increased stamina also means I can train better in Taekwondo and hopefully someday I can reach my ‘8 km in an hour’ milestone! Hahaha… *dreaming~* Hope I can also shed off my tons of fats doing this project 希望还可以减肥吧! Hahaha…
6. Great way to save up 可以省钱耶. This project requires most of my time in the forest which means you won’t be seeing me shopping around in The Mall or Hua Ho buying all sorts of unnecessary stuffs 因为没时间乱花钱 and I also won’t be spending all my money eating out every day. Which means my wallet can stay fat and plump! Yippee~
I think that’s it for today 今天就到这里. Need to retreat early because I’m going to the field tomorrow. But I have so many exciting stories yet to tell *giddy* in future posts 但是我还有很多精彩的故事. Until then peeps…
P.S: Miladies, ganas jua arah warning column ah? Which one of you menses ani eh? *hehehe...*
Goodnight everyone 大家晚安… Sleep tight and sweet dreams…
To see clearly within ourselves is the most difficult thing to do…
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